November 9, 2009

Love it or hate it. It's here to stay.

Examinations encourage an unhealthy spirit of competition among pupils and compel them to cram facts rather than understand them. To avoid failure, candidates resort to copying. The worst fault of examinations is their lack of reliability. A good student may be sick or mentally upset ..... while a dull student may do well by correctly 'spotting' a question .... :D

Examination! Haiz...The very word makes me cringe. It is school's foremost servant-fiend and my deadliest foe. If power should fall into my hand, I'd banish it from the face of the earth. Yet school wouldn't be school without examinations. ^.^ It certainly keeps students on their toes with eyes and ears open. Teacher would know if they succeeded in drumming anything into our heads. Let's face it. Our future depends on how we fare in examinations.