October 17, 2010
Innosparks 15&16 Oct 2010
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 10:16 PM 0 comments
September 21, 2010
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 10:53 PM 0 comments
September 5, 2010
Just PC
Time Tik tok tik tok and now come to early of September... I already leave this PC company and is time to take some rest...when review back all the pass...hmmm.. lots of memory. Good or bad is still already pass. I just don't wish to remember my past and just to look forward and just keep on moving and moving..Why not be happy and seek for our future??? Time flies hard and you would have die hard to keep striving yourself up!!! Lets talk bout overall my experiences, sad, unhappy or happy moment there.When I just enter this company I use to stick with their old management which is actually not systematic. After a month our operation manager been over taken by another guy and here our management change overall. Well, we are human being which we will object when not agree with something and here come the new branch manager and some part timer which we (the old staff) does not welcome their existence... Bad huh? Time will prove everything and finally we get along each other. Frankly, gossip stuff not only involve girls but GUYS TOO!!! Well, I'm the only so-call-girl work as sales representative and lots of 'pattern' I experiences from them (cause most of my colleague are guys...sounds boring) Lansi, selfish, pretend to be very smart and etc....WTF...When I in bad mood, definitely I will tuned up...Sometimes we give trouble and helping each others...Well, positive side would be we help each other to hit our margin to get commission^^ So, negative+positive=nothing. As I thinking, thinking and keep on thinking to figure out the best moment when I work here... Gosh, I can't. Perhaps it's actually nothing is best. Stress, Unsatisfied, Angry and all those negative stuff I can figure out one by one. Maybe bcoz I'm the negative thinker. There's one of them ask us a question. God bring us to this planet of earth is to suffer or enjoy? And yet, I answered suffer. From there he said I'm the negative thinker which I do admit I am. When something happen. I will straight come to the negative points instead of the positive one. Ok. Lets back to the lane. The worst moment is meeting time. The first meeting we had was in the early morning which I still ok with it..AND the second, third meeting was at night. Guess what time the meeting end? 11.30PM!!!
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 9:53 PM 0 comments
June 14, 2010
11 May 2010
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 11:52 AM 0 comments
May 10, 2010
10 May 2010
Felt no mood do any sales on Saturday although there're number of customer but most of them questions me more than buying it. Some even irritated, asking which is the best selling items,compare this and that, try to cut down the actual price and show their interested but ended walk away and say ' Thank You'. Huh.. what to do.. I just can smile and said 'You're welcome'. Babi. Dont want buy then dont ask so many things la. After work straight went home and go out dinner with Joshua. Haha. Pity him got to borrow his ear to listen all my complains. Anyway, thanks ya Josh for your time and patient :) Alright, come to Sunday, hmm... got to work at Aquaria. Extremely boring there. time tik tok damn slow. Less people there mean less sales lo...Sit there alone and no one to talk to coz I was actually alone in that stall :( Pity me got to shut my mouth for so many hours. Finally wait till 7pm XD quickly get packed then go Times Square with Josh as planned. Weekend really hardly could find parking. If it possible. I would just fold the car and keep inside my bag..Lol. Lame. So, get myself a pair of sneaker there under Josh suggestion with the colour. Ok, brown sneaker. Then walked to Low yat to see his laptop bag at my work place. Went to dinner after that near my house. Back home my body was totally very tired coz maybe didn't get rest well. K la, got to work dy...boss can see I blogging through his number of CCTV. Haha. Bye blog ^^
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 6:21 PM 0 comments
May 7, 2010
Thanks god... Finally i manage to get some sales out on my second day of working. Although only 1 laptop out with jason help but still better than ntg. Lol >.< Come to my third day... Huh... 1 hp mini netbook and 1 laptop out. For today... haha. 2 laptop out. So, I earn some profit from there of coz. 40 minutes to go then I gonna off! Heh... So, next round later is badminton. Come to think of it, really didnt exercise quite some time ^^ Is really time to burn those fats...Lol
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 7:25 PM 0 comments
May 5, 2010
Good Morning World ^^
Monday, 3rd May 2010 OFF!!! Went out shopping with Katryn at Times Square and Sg Wang. Huh. She get herself a new spec which cost her RM608. Wow! Nearly half of her salary gone. Anyway, her power too Geng dy that's why cost so much. Ok.
Come to Tuesday, 4th May 2010 start to work at a new place as sales executive regarding those PC stuff. Seriously, I have no knowledge bout pc thingy but the boss is kind enough ^^ she let me to learn there from zero. And guess what??? I'm the only girl work there on my first day. Is ok. male and female are the same. So, just pray that I manage to get some sales there to upgrade my experiences >.<
So, today 5th May 2010 work as usual. Guess I have to terminated here. Got to start work.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 10:48 AM 0 comments
April 29, 2010
Miff 2010
It's really great.. ^.^
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 10:43 AM 0 comments
April 27, 2010
Watsons Recruitment Job
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Do you agree with it?
-->Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 11:34 AM 0 comments
April 21, 2010
PC Fair
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 10:27 AM 0 comments
April 12, 2010
11 April 2010
Start hiking at 7.00am and finish at 1.00pm... Gosh!!! For my whole life, first time 6 hours hiking in Bukit Putih....and I half dead now. Extremely tired and hungry that time coz i didn't eat anything in the morning >.<...Well, for the second time I reach the last station(waterfall) is actually ntg new for me... Haha. But for my frens who still insist to reach there, no more next time ya ^.^

Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:38 PM 0 comments
April 7, 2010
Learn Positive Self-Talk ^^
Sometimes we have negative thoughts about ourselves or our situation ("This is unbearable, I don't think I can do this" or "I feel awful, why am I doing this to myself?"). If you catch yourself using negative self-talk, say the word "stop" to yourself. Take a moment to clear your mind and then replace the negative talk with positive self-talk.
Examples of positive self-talk include:
- It will get better in time.
- I've handled things tougher than this.
- What I feel is evidence that my body is healing itself.
- I only have to deal with one day at a time.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Fabulous Ways to Overcome Stress =)
*Tuck yourself into bed early. I have fallen asleep pass few week by 9.00pm. The extra sleep gives me a fresh perspective on how to deal with issues.
*Focus on one thing at a time. This is a tough one but when I focus on one thing, I see huge results.
*Practice saying “no”. I recently said no to a commitment. I'm behind on my work, I can't take on someone's else work right now.
*Stretch. Stretch while watching TV, listening to music, reading or playing.
*Be grateful for all the good things in your life - big and small.
*Call a friend who makes you laugh. Connect with family.
*Open your windows!! Fresh air is free!
*Simplify your schedule. Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your life to just the essential ones. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space between them.
*Get moving. Do something each day to be active — walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, do yoga. It doesn’t have to be grueling to reduce stress. Just move. Have fun doing it
*Develop one healthy habit this month. Other than getting active, improving your health overall will help with the stress. But do it one habit at a time. Eat fruits and veggies for snacks.
*Simplify your finances. Finances can be a drain on your energy and a major stress-or. If that’s true with you, figure out ways to simplify things.
**Have a blast! Have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 9:25 AM 0 comments
March 30, 2010
28 MARCH 2010
Wake at 6.30am, took my bath, get dress up in sport shirt and jog to Taman Awana. Taman Awana is actually not far away from my house, erm.. walking distance bout 5-8 minutes. OK! Back to main point >.< Plan for this morning is… HIKE, hike and eat! We gonna explore Bukit Putih this morning ^.^ Credit to Cyndy, Vi Vian, Joshua, Wai Siong and ME for participated and those who didn’t, we will organize again ya. Better luck then. Especially Daniel, he damn sad when his dad don’t allow him go. Siap-siap msg me what ‘tools’ should bring then ended ‘bayang pun tak nampak’ on that day. Well, we start at 7.30am since someone late as we actually planned for 7.00am. Hike all the way up and down, up and down then finally reached Station 2. HUH! Rested, and we proceed to Station 3. But pity to Cyndy and Vi Vian coz they can’t hold anymore… So, only me, Joshua, and Wai Siong proceed XD. Extremely steep coz I never hike that deep inside before. Took bout 1 hour + and we finally reach Station6. HUH! Last station le… BRAVO! Rested 10 minutes there then we find our way out with different direction, thought it would be nearer as we told by others. BUT… that was even worst than the way we use before this. TOTALLY different and tiring. I got to request 1 min rest whenever I can’t hold. While on the way out, there’re some monkeys follow behind us. GOSH!!! How could this happen! We have no weapon to protect ourselves, not even a stick!!! I was extremely scare but can’t run coz the way very steep and I could hardly walk. Nervous, scare, tired all comes together and don’t even dare take a minute rest. 15 minutes climax time and finally we escape >< Huh… relieved. Pity to Cyndy and Vi Vian coz waited us nearly 2 hours and we finally finish at 11.00am ^.^ Headed to Taman Connaught for our breakfast+lunch.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 3:50 PM 0 comments
March 24, 2010
KC's birthday
Went to KFC to help others buy lunch yesterday at Taman Pertama. Credit to Vi Vian's for her car and Kar Kin's coz going along to clear the bill. Haha. Of coz we have to pay back to him at office later. Well, KFC really will fattening me since I actually trying to diet. Lol. Sounds impossible. But is ok la if only once in a while. Since Kok Chun's suggested to have KFC to celebrate his belated birthday, so we all must give face to him lo. Haha. Buy dy then eat at office inside meeting room. Some didnt join us coz we actually didnt plan it. Lol. Sounds not sincere already. Anyway, Happy 20th Birthday to Ng Kok Chun and may happiness + luck always by your sides. Cheers ~ ^.^
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 5:49 PM 0 comments
March 22, 2010
Levnn's house warming
No work on Saturday. Huh. Feeling so great. Haha. Doing nothing at home whole day time. At night went to Levnn's house warming party. Hmm...Met numbers of my primary friends. Don't really recognize them as we long time didn't contact each other. But we use to play 'ice n water' and 'kejar kejar' last time during recess at dataran. Haha. We climb the half hill but I always sit at the half hill pondok coz I don't know how to climb. Lol. So stupid. But then one day I manage to climb le. Huh... and nearly fall also. Heh. 8 years pass and everything like tape, play back our pass, our childhood memory. Thanks Levnn's by the way for inviting me. although I feel shy at first coz I'm the only girl there, but everything seem fine after that. Haha. Your friends are great especially the one telling me those lame jokes. Lol. One of it really disgusting. Hmmm... Anyway, I do really enjoy my time there and thanks for fetching me to and fro. Next time pay a visit to my house since we live quite near. Wakaka.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:18 PM 0 comments
19 March 2010
Friday work as usual and Saturday OFF! Yes! After work went to play badminton with ex-KLCC Miff temp staff. Huh! Really fun and I sweat a lot. Back home muscle ache. Lol. Play from 7pm to 9pm at The Challenger (somewhere near my house). First time been there, hmm... the environment there quite good but the location like... (I didnt catch sight of it although I pass by there many time). So, after game we went for dinner+supper at MTK food court at Taman Awana. Eat half way then suddenly rain and we got to bring our dishes and get places inside the shop as before this we sit at the open area. Haha. After dinner+supper, Joshua Lan send me back and I so 'big head prawn' leave my wallet inside his car. So he bring it back to me later on as he travel to and fro from his house. Haha. So paiseh but really thanks so much ya ^.^
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:07 PM 0 comments
18 March 2010
Went to eat Pizza at Taman Maluri for lunch to celebrate Lee Ting's 20th birthday. No photo taken as we rush to and fro cause we only have 1 hour break for lunch. Haiz. Really waste. No worry Lee Ting's.... we will snap pics next year for your 21st birthday and make sure all of us not in rush. Lol.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Fun days
Having fun days at office for this few day... Some 'tai lap yer' went to China for the exhibition there. So, that's means I can do my work freely although really many admission forms waiting to key-in. Gosh 2000++ forms le... Haha. This all not the problem. I can access to msn and facebook for these days. Heh. Gonna upgrade my Restaurant City as I abandoned it few months ago. Lol. Sometimes working is really fun and enjoyable than study. Sincerely, stop study and start permanent work really cross upon my mind. Lol. When come to think of it deeply, lack of one cert will vanish my future. NO NO NO!!! Must study first and permanent work later. So, I will pick Marketing & Business course at Segi College Kuala Lumpur. Marketing sounds fun and I guess I will enjoy my college life at there later. Lol. 3 years course duration not that short not that long. Can graduate at age of 23. Haha. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 1:47 PM 0 comments
March 17, 2010
13 March 2010
Today got to work although is Saturday... haiz. then went out with Wayee to education fair at KLCC(her parent's come along^^) then we head to PWTC for the Matta Fair there.Since I and Wayee not interested, so we walk around at The Mall... Snap some pics there then we went to Leisure Mall after that. Its been really long time I didnt shopping... lol

Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:55 PM 0 comments
8 MARCH 2010
Guess wat??? I went out yamcha with 1 friend(know him from KLCC) at 3am and he bring me round around city centre. Huh... never went out before at this hour. Then finally we stop at one mamak store to have drink then chit chat. Hmmm, he told me a lot bout his feeling working with his colleague and under KLCC rules. Ya, KLCC rules really strict with those xxx. Well, nice chating with him...
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Prince Hotel
During the event, I got to stay at Prince Hotel...So, stay at 2+1 Bedroom Serviced Apartment lo. 5 ppl included me. 4 female and 1 male... That guy really the lucky one... lalala
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 2:09 PM 0 comments
February 28, 2010
Setting Up
Already second day dy I at convention centre... My job scope quite tough but I still manage to handle although sometimes i really frust with the problems come so suddenly. Well, positively is really fun. I get really valueable experience here. Things flow beyond my imaginations. I will make sure snap some pictures to post at blog later. Wait ya^^. First night go to work till 11++ (nearly 12am) then we check in at Prince Hotel. Hmm, apartment there not that bad, and I nearly miss my breakfast. So many things to eat there. Haha... I will make sure wake earlier tomorrow. (Carey, wake me up ya...heh). Hmmm... Got to go le. Really busy now. bye blog ^.^
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 6:14 PM 0 comments
February 23, 2010
Back late....
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 9:11 AM 0 comments
February 19, 2010
CNY Outing...
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 8:29 PM 0 comments
February 14, 2010
February 12, 2010
Don't be triggered by this upset thing..just rock on and live up ^^ the most important is how u look towards yourself not others people perception on u.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Just a call.
Give a call to my third uncle just now. Kinda miss my childhood time suddenly. He always get me a Happy Meals so that i can collect all their toys XD. Bring me to playground and 'gai gai' when he free. And he bought me a remote car and 1 big bear(still sleeping soundly at my bed now^^)for my birthday present which i brought them sleep along with me when i was 3 year old. Lalala. He so good and care to me... But when i grow elder now, I don't really have much time spend with him. Sigh. He busy, I busy. Haiz...
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 12:18 PM 0 comments
February 11, 2010
Guess what???? Few more day before Chinese New Year and i fall sick again. Guess i too stress till no time for me to rest. Dont even have time for my friends to chit chat. Sorry guys.
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 1:28 PM 0 comments
February 9, 2010
Sook Ling 20TH BIRTHDAY!!!!
Sook wei and me ^.^
Posted by ❤Phoebe Cky❤ at 10:27 PM 0 comments